I am excited to help Elevate your Health. I provide support and services that uplift, empower and improve personal health! Those who want to find healthy cleaning products and feel protected from seasonal junk, get healthier with a simple detoxing of the home, who want to feel more energized and in the flow, who want to connect more and feel surrounded by wellness and positivity. I also wanted to share more with you of my story. About why, as a Toxicologist and Wellness Guide, these natural solutions are such a natural part of our lives. What they are about. Why we feel so much trust in taking these onto and into our bodies daily to help in all these ways. Safely. Effectively. Why are essential oils such a massive part of what I use on a daily basis to support myself and my loved ones? Essential oils are such a deeply supportive tool. So... What is an essential oil exactly? Essential oils are concentrated, highly potent chemical compounds found in the roots, bark, flowers, leaves, seeds and rind of plants. They are the plants natural defense mechanism against threats in its environment, and are also what gives the plant its unique scent. As the essential oils protect the plant from threats, they can also be used to help protect us. Our skin is our largest organ! When we use essential oils topically or diluted with a carrier oil such as fractionated coconut oil, the oils enter our bloodstream and work on a cellular level. Essential oils are lipid soluble. Meaning they can pass through the cell membrane and literally oxygenate and support our cells at this level. I also use them to physically support my body. Pre- and post- workout. When I have a sore throat, head, back, or shoulders- etc. (When my kid had a big fall on the LaCrosse field and wound up with abrasions, deep bone bruising and a possible break, all his owies were comforted and skin abrasions healed quicker using topical oils) I use them to help me sleep, focus, deal with overwhelm, when I feel anxious, to help me feel more energized -and as a natural "pure-fume". When my kiddo was six, he had a massive medical emergency that involved a terrible reaction to big pharma. I hunted down the Very Best natural products in the world to help us stay healthier and live in wellness, through prevention. Not reaction. -He went five years without having to go to the doctor once! These goodies from doTERRA also happen to be the only oils which the FDA considers safe for internal consumption. So we really spice things up! We often use them in cooking to enhance flavor and for their long list of health supporting benefits. ...Including making peppermint bliss protein balls, rose and black pepper in chocolate or cacao, lime, lemon, cumin, basil, rosemary for marinades, salad dressings, etc. *Remember when using oils in cooking, less is more. They are extremely potent. Go drop by drop and taste before adding more! The incredible thing about working with essential oils is that we aren’t just putting a bandaid over symptoms and suppressing our bodies' signals. Essential oils deal with the root cause and give cellular support to the original issue. Nature is incredibly wise. And plants want to support us. They want to spread their seed, grow resiliently, and bring ancient wisdom as Earth medicine to our lives. And we get to do that. There are so many benefits to essential oils... and one of the biggest side-effects of the stressful times we live through is the hit our central nervous system takes each and every time we see the news. Get into traffic. Face that demon we've been avoiding. I embraced learning how to provide treatments for friends and family, and had so much success, I now work with clients. I train others in the wonderful healing aspects of topically applying these magical oils with certified protocols. I also provide energy work with applied aromatherapy to give desired therapeutic endpoints. AromaTouch Treatments benefit our Central Nervous System greatly, and lift our quality of life. Feel Healthy. Feel Good. For this reason, I am having a FLASH SALE of applied Aromatherapy and Energy-healing Sessions! For this week only, get a gift-pack that includes one for you!
3-packs of 60-minute treatments: $235. 3-packs of 90-minute treatments: $335. *Sale ends 11/7. Purchase and schedule today via email or phone. Call to get your gift pack!
Here’s a super cool recipe I am loving for this dry time of year; maybe you will like it too! A DIY treatment for tender, irritated skin. “Razor Relief Serum” Shaving may be essential, but razor bumps and angry skin are not. Provide relief to your skin with this Razor Relief Serum enhanced with calming doTERRA essential oils helps our skin look healthy and feel beautiful. I’ve noticed such an improvement in how my skin feels days after using this wonderful spray. Voila! Ingredients ½ cup Fractionated Coconut Oil ¼ cup rosewater (can be purchased at health food stores) 5 drops Frankincense oil 5 drops Lavender oil 5 drops Tea Tree oil 5 drops Helichrysum oil 5 drops Myrrh oil Instructions
Enjoy! ...But he loves this: Hi there! September is in full swing... here's some helpful promotions for the month! Enjoy a free bottle of Tamer with a 125 PV loyalty order and get 10% off of Tulsi all month long while supplies last! Tamer® to the RescueDon’t like the smell of Digestzen? Eat too much? Bloated after eating something you know you shouldn’t? Car or motion sickness? Nervous stomach? Lucky for you, you can get this fabulous alternative to Digestzen for use with your kiddos and your fur babies! oh- and its great for adults who just can’t handle the aroma of fennel and Anise, which is in DigestZen. I personally love DigestZen, but my son sure does NOT, so this is a great alternative for him. Get a 10ML roller bottle of Tamer FREE this month when you place a 125 PV LRP order by the 15th of the month. Turn to Tulsi! ...so what’s Tulsi? (I saw Tulsi tea being drank all over Nepal when I trekked and studied there in 2004, but had no idea back then...) Tulsi, otherwise known as Holy Basil, is sourced from India. The Hindus revere this oil, considering it to be Queen of the Herbs. It is high in Eugenol, similar constitutes to Clove bud oil, but is a little more user friendly and has an interestingly herbaceous and minty taste and aroma! You can use it topically, internally & aromatically. Tulsi is helpful for:
And YAY! I'm getting ready to see the doTERRA Global Convention, Heal, this week. It's Weds-Saturday, 9/14-9/17 - I always learn so much, and am SO excited to see the new metabolic product line Pwr... You can pop in and sign up for your access code to the Heal gathering here; OR Join me online for a special Zoom presentation. We'll share the science and testimonials behind our new product line! Save the date! Wellness Inspiration doTERRA Convention Product Reveal Saturday, September 24 9:30 am PST/12:30 pm EST https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82452589397?pwd=dmRjTW4wbnlwdTRvMlFkdklKNmthdz09 Passcode is: 091546
Grateful to be on this healing wellness path with you. As always, send me a message if I can answer any questions for you... -or if I can help you find wholesale pricing for the very best value and community support! Well, hi there. It's been a minute. Remember me? My name is Lynell Marie. I am reaching out today as a little touchstone. A little tap tap on your heart. I want to remind you of just how magical you are. Maybe like you, i am a lot of things. I have done a lot of things. I have even learned a few. I realize this world is in a delicate and weird place right now, where it doesn’t matter what you have experienced, how hard you have worked, and how much information you carry. How much knowledge you came to this planet with. How much care you take of your own human flesh. So rather than tell you about my story, I would love to tell you about my ideas. I want to weave a brilliantly jeweled tapestry with my golden thread, as I realize that might be all we share in common for right now. Ideas. Ideals. Crystals hanging from a burgeoning fig tree. Magic. And maybe, if we focus on those, rather than what they are, we can create some of these things together. We can bridge that gap. The one that is tearing apart our fabric and logos, our compassion and understanding for that which we do not understand. You see, no matter who we are, we need to care for our inner and outer self. I believe they/we are connected, both this inner world we hold within, and the outer life... and the outer life can only reflect the inner space we are in. We run into big trouble if we allow the outer world to enter our inner life, and forget why we are here... For if we ignore the whispers of imbalance happening within, the riffs between what we feel and what we say/do, the whispers our body sends us, the subtle messages, can get louder and ultimately cause massive symptoms, as the physical body is trying so hard to get its message to us. When we are not caring for ourselves as a priority, we can grow mean, resentful, and unkind. We lash out as we speak THRU our brokenness, rather than speaking TO the things that cause our brokenness. Even if we don’t know what caused it, speaking to it allows us to connect gently with others as we share our vulnerable, real feelings and self. Otherwise, this can distort our own genuine voice... wouldn't it just be so much better to shine our own light? Self reflection can help a lot, bringing self-care and growing self love. Self care -NOT as an “extra” thing to do, but THE thing to do. The medicine we need, to occupy these skin-suits we find our spirits dwelling in. And surrounding ourselves with others who can remind us when we aren’t doing this thing for ourselves. They can see clearly what is happening, unlike us in the moment, and help gently get us back on track. Hopefully theirs are voices we can hear, even when we are out of balance! If we are serving others without feeding and caring for our own selves, it all backfires, and we wind up giving of our own wellsprings, even through clenched teeth and resentment. When we give from our saucer instead, we can move organically through joy and shared love because we have chosen to love ourselves. Simply said, SHINE. So, they say we are the average of the five people we spend the most time with. What does that look like, when you realize most everyone around you subscribes to self sacrifice and self loathing, instead of proactive care? The culture becomes that. You get to choose what you want to grow into. WHO you want to be. What, exactly, you are aligned with. Don't wait. The time is now, my friend!
This is what can happen, when someone wants to leave a job or relationship, and make positive life changes happen. Those who are “left behind” can tend to pass judgement, make nasty comments and diminish that one who is trying to get out. And in the process, poison the well for all. The moral is, don’t be a crab. On all levels...be the one who lifts another!
As always, please reach out if I can do anything at all to help your journey. Grateful for you in my life, glad for the giggles, hugs, wishes, and soul friendships as we navigate these waters we are currently swimming in. ![]() Sending you Lots of Love! Your Friend, Lynell Marie Sister, Friend, Daughter, Mama, Auntie, Author, Guide, and Wellness Scientist ![]() P.S. ... Please reach out if you are interested in New Moon Circle gatherings - or - if you'd like to host a wellness class before the holidays are officially upon us. ... I will be sharing some big news coming up soon, and I would love to include you in the invitations! The colors are popping and as we move into Scorpio season and darker evenings, maybe your date nights are heating up too... Wherever you are, I hope you are having the social time and ideas for wellness that you might want and need. There has got to be a tipping point for each of us, and I hope yours tips into healthy living. ...Did you know? Our human ancestors were exposed naturally to some 300 plant essences each day, just in day to day foraging? This was calming and soothing, as humans evolved with plants. Currently, we receive input from less than 20 plants each day, and our indoor modern life has replaced nature with synthetic inputs. Through neurobiology, we have learned that our bodies perceive synthetic chemicals as stressors to the nervous system. I don't know about you, but this makes me feels like it's time for an about face! I am excited to be walking this wellness path with you. I provide 30 minute wellness consultations cost-free. I really enjoy working with my clients to reach their health goals, and look forward to learning what YOUR top health priorities are. ![]() Take great care of yourself, as we shed our worries and move forward together, but lighter. My Dear Friend, I want to support your Dreams. What if I told you that I could help make it easier for you to dream up your ideal life and bring it to fruition? The better our sleep (and we rebuild our brain cells), and the more settled our mind is with gut ease (finding our inner flow and release stagnancy), it becomes easier to find health for ourselves in this world. This is my dream for you... and what I'd love to see for humanity! ...for us to each let go of every single thought or habit that does not serve us any longer. For us to find our balance and flow, and let our peace radiate outward to the rest of the world. Here are a couple of helpful ideas! May you let go of those leaves in this season... all those things that aren't serving any longer, that actually weigh you down and keep you caught in an old pattern.
May your truth help you find your freedom! ...From fear to inspiration, you are invited!My Dear Friend,
I think FEAR is something we’ve come closer to than ever before lately. For our own selves. For our families. For our planet. That there isn’t enough for all. That maybe we are too late. That we don’t have the solutions -or will- necessary to turn this ship around. I know, it’s been tough on me and us, also. Many of us have felt cutoff, alone, maybe even desperate. There has been an unseen enemy, working on a cellular level, and for so many, this aspect of the last 18 months has been the hardest of all. Virus. Seeming endless wildfires. Climate change. And the stressful nature of fear has made it worse. I hear you. I am with you. I feel you. I see you. And I want to take a quick moment to Share, Inspire, and Invite. We need to share good stories with each other now more than ever, don’t you think? The move towards our need for sustainability has been something at the front of my mind. Others like me, have been asking doTERRA to turn more surely towards stewardship of the planet, and they have! I am excited. We know their products are amazing, but we must tend to the waste stream. Foaming hand soap and cleaner concentrate, formulated with antibacterial oils, are now packaged in readily recyclable aluminum cans. The company turned away from shipping water, and the concentrate is now truly concentrated (it’s a small bottle now!). The laundry detergent, is now coming in biodegradable pods and newly released dishwasher pods also are intended to help us reduce waste as much as possible. Hand and body lotion is now coming in a soft-sided refill bag, rather than hard plastic. Inspire. I continue to be inspired by innovation, and a commitment to health and science. doTERRA has just released OnGuard Tablets that contain Vitamins C and D, plus zinc and Beta glucan, giving us ImmunoModulation in these times. A daily boost has been found to be so powerful for growing resiliency in our bodies and protection in our families. Ever smell lemon myrtle? It is truly one of my favorites, activating our pineal gland and energizing the mind. This, coupled with litsea and clove, have been found to fight various bacteria in petri dish studies. These three oils are the backbone of the new home-cleansing oil, Abode. This new formulation is the flavor of the new home care products, which effectively allows us to create an uplifted, elevated, sense of a Clean Ecosystem where we feed ourselves, sleep, and for many, work. The Abode oil is too strong for the skin, but is wonderful for diffusers, or counters, surfaces, dishes, and laundry. Our own bodies are a part of the home ecosystem, so OnGuard remains our strong boost for our bodies, while Abode steps in as the top pick for all the home care approaches. I would love to reconnect sometime soon, some ideas: doTERRA zoom classes covering sections of the Evolve convention: based on crowdsourcing interest... Pick which areas you'd like to learn more about here. Please weigh in to see cool science & hopeful stories! Wellness Wednesday walks (any day according to my schedule): reach out! New moon circle, in person event, October 3 5-7pm. Save your seat by replying here. Hop in and subscribe to my YOUTube channel, where I have saved a pretty large variety of education and inspiration. Check it out, be sure to click the bell! Grateful for your presence in this world. I can’t tell you all the amazing things we are learning at the global Evolve connection, but the focus on mind-body, personal wellness- home wellness ecosystem, and our work in fair sourcing and supply around the planet... really got my wheels turning. In a good way! When we believe in health with the mind and we are mind-full, the body can follow suit. We cannot work on our inner health and ignore our home environment wellness, and the chemicals we bring in to our inner abode. Sometimes we need a little prompt to get into that state. Many of the new products are much about improving our mindset and supporting our limbic system, but really getting into ALIGNMENT and transforming our home into an abode of Sanctuary. Safety. Health. ✨ And don't forget, about my YouTube channel. We have so many tools that are being submerged right now as we attempt to educate and connect. My YouTube channel is simply @lynellgarfield; please subscribe! I'll shortly be adding to the collection on managing September ups and downs with our weather shifting and school immersion! I have a blend for September that I want to share. This blend is incredible and supports this feeling that we have just gone through a portal into a whole new start, a new year! Have you felt this way too? It's like that Lion's Gate portal of August just shifted everything into gear... and this blend is fresh, focused, activating, supported. I Love It!
Add these oils into a 5 mL roller ball with coconut oil to the top.
Let this blend carry you forward into your highest dreams! Think new year activation... this will help to bring you into a state of excited activating and solid alignment through this coming month! You might watch for our scheduled classes coming up soon, as well as an update on Moon Circle gatherings. We will explore the fruition of silence and getting back together in sanctuary again. Consider this September to be about aligning your most resilient personal health and wellness, as a full alignment for your highest self. If you do not yet have your wholesale account set up with doTERRA, please reach out and I'll help you get all set; this is a potent time to align with the benevolent, ethical, science-based company that doTERRA is. Let's take the next step together. It'll be fun. Promise. I'll take the scary out of it and we will craft a plan based on YOU. Your dreams. Let's manifest together! I am here, rooting you on! |
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