Prepare Yourself to Receive a Shower of Abundance as we move into the Age of Aquarius ---- this energy is guiding us through 2021. Right now is eclipse season, and this flux between the full moon eclipse of May and the new moon eclipse of June is helping us to retool the Gemini-Sagittarius axis, the axis of learning. SUCH wonderful timing for a reflection of our own information gathering (Gemini) and assimilation, and HOW we formulate our beliefs and guiding principles. SUCH a powerful time!
Save YOUR Spot today!! Join to become a Community Member a.k.a. "Basket Weaver" (weaving dreams, light, vision, heart together): more details below.
THESE following workshops are part of the Conscious Community series of gatherings including mini-retreats and workshops, new moon circles as rich parts of the program, and always, drop ins are welcome. Our membership options PREVENT Spiritual one night stands by playing on the power of consistency and accountability- pairing community gatherings with 1:1 guidance with Lynell to follow up and empower YOUR growth and expansion. ✨ Isn't it time you kept your promises to You? ✨
June 19th, 4-7 pm in Lynell’s backyard oasis (Chateau GQ) in SW Reno, Nevada. Bring a yoga mat, water, journal and drum or other percussion instrument! Snacks provided. Celebrate personal Emancipation as a reflection of the whole! Today we celebrate Expansion into our inner richness and diversity with a gathering of conscious community! We will enjoy drumming, dancing, sharing reflections, healthy snacks, guided meditation, and Yoga Nidra led by Julisa Gonzales.Program Investment: $75 drop-in (free to Conscious Community members!). (Learn more, SIGN UP!)
JULY NEW MOON CIRCLE & Love Letters to the Planet Mini-Retreat.
July 10th, 4-7 pm in Lynell's oasis at Chateau GQ... we will pair new moon circle juiciness and guided meditation up with journal prompts and time deeply rooted into Mother Earth connecting to our inner wisdom, compassion, and etheric writings on themes of Spirit and Earth. Your Inspiration and Beauty is welcome here! Bring a yoga mat, chair if needed, journal, water, snacks provided. (Learn more, SIGN UP!)
AUGUST NEW MOON CIRCLE, Sacred Time and Space for Wellness.
August 7th, 5:30-7:30 pm in Lynell's oasis at Chateau GQ. The new moon is such a wondrously rich time for focus and reflection upon the shadow side, and reckoning with the inner child for each of us. We gather to hold sacred space together, to honor and grow in understanding of what was lost and what is needed to find whole BEing wellness within and without. Bring a yoga mat, water, towel, journal. (Learn more, SIGN UP!)
SEPTEMBER NEW MOON WORKSHOP, Resetting our Rituals for Balance
September 6th, 4-7 pm in the oasis at Chateau GQ. We gather for the new moon in reflection, journeying, and growing our inner wisdom. At the Solstice time, we focus on balance of light and dark, of yin and yang, and within and without. During this mini-retreat, we play with light yoga, writing, and reflecting on our rituals that support integrating our whole body-mind-spirit wellness. We learn more and seek to elevate through balance and beauty. Bring your yoga mat, drinking water, journal, list of health priorities, and a flower for circle. Snacks are provided. (Learn more, SIGN UP!)
October 7th, 5-7 pm. We Cannot Hold Back the Harvest; this circle helps us actuate the life we have CRAVED! Gratitude and kindness, ethics and truth-telling, highest of intentions leading to absolute abundance. Stay tuned for more details.
November 6th, 4-6 pm. How we reflect on our Night Dreams and our Day Dreams, superimposing them as process... to live the life we have yet only dreamed of! Stay tuned for more details.
Membership details & information
Support your best self with intentional community gatherings and wellness.
Seize the Heart Energy and Leap forward with Inspired Action!
There is a membership for everyone! Whether you want to fully immerse in the community and receive 1:1 wellness support, or just pop in for a community gathering, there's something here for you.
Step into your healthy habits with the support of a supportive wellness community and personalized health coaching. As we are upleveling ourselves and in growth phases, commitment and consistency is key. This is why I’ve created this unique whole health program.
We gather together, in sacred virtual space for the new moon, then nearing the full moon, personalized 1:1 coaching sessions help focus on YOUR challenges.
Our new moon circles have been enriching and warm, bringing together the golden thread of community and social distancing. Feeling connected through these times is critical in reducing negative aspects of isolation.
Member (Weaver level) Inclusions
Monthly 2-4 hour LIVE New Moon Circle and/or workshop with other like-minded conscious community members that includes grounding, energy clearing, movement, intention setting, tarot card readings, guided journeying, goal setting, breakthroughs, and more.
Monthly 60-minute 1:1 health & wellness coaching session in order to integrate your intentions, dreams, goals and expansion that are in alignment with your highest good and help you lean into your full growth potential
Weekly Moon Vibes in the Moment: Personalized Video Modules
Access to private Facebook Group for community discussions, reflections and support.
24/7 support via email/text from Lynell.
BONUS! As a member, if you sign up by the full moon, you will receive a New Moon Kit of ritual tools (unique oil blend, crystal and more!) delivered right to your doorstep.
Your registration is encouraged as early as possible, to be sure you secure your seat.
Embrace Your Insights and Transform your Dreams with the support of community -here's what members are saying:
After a recent 1:1 session: "Lynell is now one of my go-to healers and spiritual guides! Lynell is one of the few wellness folks in town who have helped me find solutions for managing my fibromyalgia & gut issues. Not only does she focus on my physical symptoms, but has a unique way of bringing together the physical and spiritual levels of my health. Her deep experience in western and eastern worlds is a great combination for meeting me right where I am in my healing journey. I’d recommend anyone who is open to taking their wellness journey to the next level to go see Lynell." -Fran
"I felt seen and heard by Lynell, and am witness to her abilities as a wonderful facilitator!" -Paul