Hey Hi, and WOW! That was a bit of a doozy. Our little family got hit by that mean and nasty virus that’s been plaguing humanity (literally) for the last three years. Gah! Everything came screeching to a halt. Necessarily. We went down the tubes with fever and headaches, some other aches and really low energy. And took the time to reboot. Guess it was really needed! So I’ve just gotten my strength back, we are back on our routines, and I am SO grateful. I went out walking in the snow with a friend this weekend, and we talked about Joy Snacks. I love this idea and want to share! We know that even if we aren’t filling our 24 hour day with the things that bring us utter joy, we can generally find small things to season our day with (think pepper or salt, just a teeny bit changes everything…) for more fun and reasonable attitudes. So as we heal, as we find our strength returning, and interest in things outside of ourselves coming back, what do we WANT to feel like? What is the Emotion we are CRAVING? Name it. Give that thing ALL the power. Write it down and heartstorm about what are the things you DO that make you feel all the deliciousness of this core desired feeling. Danielle LaPorte teaches about this, and it is SUCH a great nugget to be focused on. Your Own Core Desired Feelings. To experience what you believe in, to live into your highest Dreams and biggest Self. Even if that’s a Rainbow Unicorn Llama. Monday Jam Sessions: March 6, 6pm: Rescheduled Essential Emotions Class, to honor and support YOUR highest self in bringing forward the way you want to feel!! Bring all that newfound power you have just bestowed, please write it in your journal, name it, and bring that journal with you… join us online. This is a zoom class, super easy peasy to access, just pop in to our class link you’re your computer or phone HERE. We will have a meditation/grounding to kick it off, so please be prompt… https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89470805235?pwd=YnpYT2R1UkUyRDNjeUNPZTFzR3U0QT09 March 13, 6pm: Basics of Immunity! Wow, CoVid brought me face to face with this immune sucking beast. Our Family resisted falling to it for three years, and finally, just two weeks back, got sucked down for 8 days… I want to help our whole community with reminders on what will BEST keep the beasties at bay. YOU get to choose how and when you take rest, don’t succumb if you can help it! We CAN DO THIS hard thing. Rebuilding our foundation together, and growing stronger, more committed and resilient, together. And it’s fun. The following Monday (March 13), I will lead a Natural Immunity Boosting class on Zoom at this link: 6pm. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89196787140?pwd=SkRlWG9sZVQra01hVUJJOEQ2SzZQZz09 Last day for FREE Goodies! ✨☘️
And don’t forget, tonight is the last night to score 15% off Yarrow-POM oil, and if you spend 200+ points this month, automagically receive FREE DigestZen Oil and DigestZen softgel caps in your February order! (yes, you can blend two orders to get to that magic 200 points number for the month if you use the Code DIGESTT324TC when you check out) Yarrow-POM, which is a blend of yarrow oil and the carrier pomegranate seed oil, is LOADED with antioxidants. This formula is a stunner for cellular health, proper cellular regeneration and growth, and feels so amazing on the skin. It has been shown to help balance blood sugar by lessening insulin resistance, and also reduces impacts of aging on the skin. I adore this, for face, neck, and hands; it’s really improved my skin’s appearance and vigor after years of being out in the extreme elements while training and bike racing. Digestion is so vital for our overall well-being and sense of dynamism in our bodies. I Love this special, and if you do not appreciate the flavor of DigestZen (strongly anise flavored by that oil component), you can always encapsulate and swallow the oil, rub it on topically (even make a roller ball bottle of it and use on belly!) or take the softgels. We know the gut-brain axis supports optimal brain functioning and mental wellness, and all of these oily options used as tools can be stunners for reducing feelings of bloating, reflux, nausea, inflammation, constipation, or diarrhea.
Wow what a winter it has become! Tempestuous storms, fantastical snow, and biblical amounts of rainfall… and yet, some of us still need to be out there as road warriors and brave the elements. It has felt like time to cozy up, light a fire, take some deep breaths, fix some tea, and snuugle in. A “hygge” (Swedish for “cozy”) time, for sure. And I’ve just drained my personal bottle of Hygge. Have you tried this oil blend in your diffuser yet? I swear, it is the most beautiful scent of oatmeal-raisin cookies. Vanilla, cardamom, a little cinnamon kick – this blend has my heart! I wanted to just check in with you, and see how your mind, heart, and body are doing. Some days for me, I have felt torn and like just quitting everything… yet there is a strange space opening up inside. It’s like the surprising crystals in my Celestite rock. It feels like hope, a steady drumbeat, something I can’t quite put my finger on, and yet it’s there, a strangely exquisite way to feel and be in this body. I have been wanting to share a little about aging and a super line of reasoning and improving our metabolic health. Quality of life. This is MetaPWR. I think you’ve seen it mentioned? True cellular support. Scientific. Nutrition. Oils. Growth tools to increase your protein levels. 3 main tracks for you to learn about: I have been using all three for 3 months, and I am Loving the Shifts (some unexpected) that I can feel and see! 1st Track: Our old Metabolic Blend oil, “slim n sassy” – now, has been formulated slightly differently, as the Metabolic Blend, “MetaPWR.” This line is based on some clinical trials and folks wearing continuous glucose monitors. New ratios of the oils in this blend, it really helps with cravings and feeling sated. The Oil, gum, beadlets, and even softgels, are all available. So much yum! 2nd Track: Metabolic Assist: MetaPWR’s answer to ease blood sugar spike/crash cycles. This little capsule is taken just once each day, and reduces the absorbability of carbohydrates. It stretches the full/sated sensation out after your biggest meal, and prevents the large swing between spike and crash of energy. Helps us not “wear out” our cells with this extreme wear and tear. I can feel this approach improving my overall anxiety levels (nighttime is usually when I feel this the most). A welcome surprise. 3rd Track: Metabolic Advantage: MetaPWR support with collagen and the cofactors that help our bodies make collagen. This powder pouch is dissolved in water, and consumed daily similar to electrolytes… its contents are pure gold. Not only tiny tripeptides of collagen that our bodies see as ready building blocks, but also NAD and NADH, those molecules that help the body to make more collagen! When we consider that signs and symptoms of aging are due to decreased levels of these molecules, we get to mitigate this process with the right tool. Offerings: 1. The Plant Revolution, Rescheduled! Thursday, 2/2/23, 6 pm. Zoom Link here 2. Metabolic Health and Vitality Class, Monday, 2/6, at 6pm. Zoom Link here 3. Wellness Toolkit Class, Monday, 2/13, at 6pm. Zoom Link here. **Please RSVP via email to [email protected] or text 530-277-8719** The Dawning of the New Age is Here. In Vision, we will hold our highest intentions for this celebration of ALL that we ARE and all we CAN CREATE! Together. I am SO excited to explore what this becomes! |
March 2024
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