Happy last week of Spring, my friends. Sending so many nurturing earth energies out to you today. 🌎My backyard is in bloom and chirping up a storm with baby chickadees, a welcome reprieve from the news of the day. It is June 14, and the moon is in Pisces today. At its best, Pisces is about Unconditional Love. May my note carry feelings of care, deepest love, and hope breathed right through you. We are truly in the time of times, and I encourage you to quiet your mind and listen to the heart… The eclipses happening, and retrograde planets right now all align to fuel our own fires and those around us, making for short tempers and quick reactions. This is not the time for contraction, but generosity of spirit and expansion to take it all in with gratitude. Look for the silver linings. Sing a different song….
And you know what? I used an essential oil. 💧A new one. It REALLY boosted my desire to create. It's called Naiouli. I was caught unprepared for how elevated I would feel! Like wellness, motivation, whimsey, poetic voices, and sweetness all got together and had a baby. Guys. ✨It made me high! Not like wackadoodle, but Wow high on life! And energized. I surged up the hill above my house, almost a mile up and still had juice to go! And my mind was full of energy for my new book, the one that has been at a standstill and just stalled out for what feels like (literally) years. It's been that project I keep pushing to the back of my desk to deal with the things that are actually paying the bills. I am so juiced up about the plot twist and reimagining of it suddenly! So, friend.✨ All that to say, what's YOUR Art form today? What are you making that is more beautiful than it needs to be in order to be functional? I’d Love to have you ping me back, just hit reply, and let me know! And yes, Please, consider this your permission to make art. ✨To make beauty. To get into that side of your brain that isn't going to restructure a feat of engineering, but will quell the dragons that haven't been unleashed in years. Feed that side of you that hungers in the dark, barely eeking out a living for fear and scarcity having taken over our existence. Create something so profound and outrageous that you are smiling for days after, drifting on your cloud of self-satisfaction, passion for life, serotonin and all the best and highest things about being an upright-bipedal human be-Ing. BE YOUr HIGHest SELF. I Double Dog Dare You. It's the only way we are going to get out of this alive. ✨ Oh, I almost forgot! If you've been on the fence about transforming your medicine cabinet or home products for cleaning and self care towards natural, non toxic varieties, this is a GREAT time for you! With your qualifying 200 point order, Immortelle, the oil of Spiritual Insight (that also heals scars amazingly quickly and supports cognitive process like memory and multitasking!) is FREE this month. Yep. FREE. Reach out, I can help set you up so you don't miss out on this $90 value freebie.
We have curated some classes as well to help you move through life leadership in these times and embrace the path of highest healthy-care for your family: 💧Ancient oils, modern stress, wellness in the workplace 6/18, 7pm PST. 💧Family health and summertime wellness (camping & outdoors!); 6/22, 11am PST 💧There are also offerings on skincare and hair care, supplement programs, and more! These are listed on www.midtownessentialoils.com and also on my Wellness Scientist Facebook page. 💧 And upcoming are two more special workshops on Healing Arts: Essential Wellness and Mosaics at Copper Cat Studios! Stay tuned for these in August and October. Here is a June blend for you: This is a fantastic pure-fume for transformation and expansion of spirit. Immortelle – Spiritual insight 💧💧 Lime – Zest for Life 💧💧 Clary sage – Clarity and vision💧
March 2024
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