Does this seem unusual to you? Sort of like, someone leaning into spirituality and letting that inform what they do next about healthy living, and how to give others permission to do the same?
. It doesn't need to be this unusual. For example, the first time we saw this dragon, out on a family run, it occurred to me that WE too, are a pack of dragons. And while the dragon seemed like a little whimsey, it goes far deeper for us. It is a symbol of bending and folding and leaning in. . As a tribe of dreamers, of health enthusiasts, critical thinkers, of barefoot gardeners and die hard nature lovers, we make decisions and focus in on what will this do for the planet? What will this mean for our health? How does this impact our community? What is the happiness quotient, in the long run? What do night dreams tell us, of our day dreams? And how do we fold them all together? . My Vedic charts say I am a "Doctor of 100 medicines," and while I totally identify with this reading, it does not look traditional in the western world. No, we natural healers do not get big kickbacks from big Pharma, like medical doctors in this country. When I hear about medical healers being critical of what I do, I have to laugh. Because they DO get those dollars, and wow does that feel short of what is needed. And, the more decisions I see made in this time, the more proud I am of this fact that I do NOT march with them. I am a biophiliac. an organic gardener. I am an environmental toxicologist. a subversive. I am a hydrologist. a reader of your waters. I am a children's author. a pot stirrer. I am a die hard wellness scientist. a natural health advocate. I am committed to the Universal golden rule and natural law. a spiritual speaker and seeker. . What does that mean? It means I have studied. It means I have and continue to consciously tap in, to the thread that is greater than all of us. It means I do trust my instinct, and my experience integrating worlds. It means that I am passionate and I will stand for you, for your children, in ways that might surprise you. It means that I am healing, it is why I do what I do, and in honor, I will share healing skills and tools with others. It means I will empower you, if you will let me. It means I will hold sacred space for you. For your process, for your voice quivering and finding, for your rage meeting and moving, for your truth uncovering and identifying, for your wings unfurling, for your soul's delight. I will honor those who have gone before. I continue to remember those who have chosen to leave the planet, who were not ready to adjust to this, time of times. I sit in silence and bring presence to the whole of what IS. The brokenness. The beauty. The clarity. The trust. The fact that there is an infinite galaxy of possibilities, just beyond our periphery. The trust. And until our wings unfurl and we unleash our last breath, we may NOT know that these are here and possible. The trust. Planet Earth, we have so much good and so do you. Earth Dwellers, do not believe all that is before you, all that is spoken, all that is limited and human. Lift your eyes to the stars, and remember, deep down and way back in our evolution, that we are each made of stardust. You. Me. Sit with that. There is so much beyond what we know. Our job is to find our trust. To do our best. To find a good place to fix our gaze, despite the brokenness. To be present with what beauty we do have. . Here and now. Use the tools. Did you forget? ...Then you must Find a teacher. A path finder. A way shower. A light bearer. A lighthouse. Do what needs to be done. And always, fix your eyes to the stars. This comes with love.
Finding hope is not usually considered a stretch, but oooh how important it is now. Speaking to hope, speaking to counter dread, doomsday, and cynicism.
. Speaking to beauty. And inviting others to do same. . Feel the feelings. Do not shut them down, Feel them, get them out of you, break dishes and coconuts if you need to. . And then get back to work. . This is the real work. . Louise Hay taught that the physical body talks to us, shows us our inner selves and what it is that needs to be healed. That there is an infinite wisdom there, if we can tap into it. . So your tight IT bands, your painful sacrum, that shoulder injury, your knee "issue". What is that really speaking to? . Don't let these things go unchecked. And have them become a hardening. Find your fluid flow. Your voice in the wilderness. Your one thing that is stretching, limbering up, getting those old joints moving again. Dig into Ms. Hay's book, "Heal your body, heal your life" and find some meaning behind them. . Dig in and go deep. Then sit with it, the pain, the reason, the suffering. . Find tools for limbic support, spiritual comfort, and blessed shift. And Yes. I can help. I hold Women's Circles on the corners of the year. And I give Wellness Consultations to yield fruit in this process. If you have interest in either, please reach out. . And then find tools for stretching those ligaments and muscles. Warm them, give them circulation, move them. Again, natural plant remedies from the source allows healing that is deeper and greater. Healing is much easier when we have uncovered what it is that causes the pain. Intentionally warming, bringing awareness, forgiving, and treating. I love empowering those healings with AromaTouch, with Symphony of the Cells, and with consultation. . And the two, emotional and physical, are supported by the spiritual. One can lead the other in receiving messages. And both can be buoyed up by the inner work. Let hope be the salve. . Let the work be the work. Do not allow passivity to rob you of your voice. Do not allow resignation to be the two ton bag you carry on your back. It is not yours to carry. Lay it down and give it a good burial. It does not need to continue on with you. . How, you ask? . Get a good journal and write it out. cry it out. run ten miles, punch pillows, anything that moves you, and get it out. of. you. . These are not called the Time of Times, for nothing. We are being called upon to uncover, to unfurl, to empower, to step fully into our highest Being. Not highest Doing, but highest BEING. . Your Soul will Thank You. And you will find peace. And a way out of pain. I urge you, do not wait another day. Pull the thorn out, and let the healing begin. . I AM here when you are ready. This week, we draw down into the darkness, into our own darkness, to remember and call forth the light returning. It is the halfway point between the Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. It can be a very long winter. Feel like there is such a long path ahead. Especially now. Hope is so important. When our motivation can be low, it requires that we dip in deep to intrinsic Inspiration. Bringing up hope and resonance for response, rather than reaction, to this darkness. There is an urgency here, as I feel the ancient pulls of celebration of pregnant ewes in the old world. The warmth of hearth fires against the strain of cold outside. I seek my answers in chilly soils this day, sinking my seeds into the straw and dung. Blessing the hands that plant, the heart that nurtures, and our property that hungers. I carry flower petals with me, to bring more beauty medicine into my day- a balance of masculine and feminine as the balance point. As in between winter and spring, this day is fruition in the joining of divine male and female, as in the sheep, made complete with swelling buds and milk. Not for me, but as I tend the fertile soils and burn a red candle, may my heart be gladdened by the fertility dance in the garden, and celebrate the fecundity, the beauty, and the true presence of all that is growing, pulsing, budding and good. All that is REAL. Family. Friends. Community. Planet. May I be present enough to stay present. To bring myself back when the squirrels running their races and storing treasures off-shore have distracted me. Back to what is real. Back to what is needed of me, at this time. Back to the solid need for balance. And Breath. And Bone.
Friend, I send you a wish for balance in this, time of times. May our collective buds burst forth with abundant flowers and kindness yielding rich harvest steeped in our highest intentions. May we each support one another in our own highest good. May we find our voices to have the tool in asking for what we need. And from that overflow, sharing with another. P.S. If your gypsy heart longs for more community, more information, more healing arts, more self-care, please look to our website. There are very cool things coming up, and we have listed these on the website as events; for more information, please check in to our FB page, or and find what it is you might love to heal through, radically enjoy, and even help co-create! Come out and play in February! Some offerings: -Family Healthy Care: Feb 3, 7 pm (Midtown EO Training Center) -Business Building Class: Feb 3, 5 pm (on Zoom, Virtual, see class post for link) -AromaTouch Technique Certification: Feb 22, 10-4 pm (must pre-register through -Healing Arts, Balancing Hormones and Creating Mosaic! March 1, 11-4 pm (must pre-register through Copper Cat Studios) |
March 2024
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