Hey hi, You out there with the candle. I see you. I’ve actually thought a lot about my friends, how much I want to be a Positive force for good in the world… and Needing quiet. Needing clarity. Needing to heal. And in this space of trying to sort out my own fallout from the pandemic, I haven’t wanted to do the opposite of what I intend. So I retreated. My bubble has been clarifying. My solitude has given me strength. And I am feeling more radical transitions than I thought possible or reasonable. And I am assured by the universe, that just because something is not reasonable does not mean it isn’t exactly what is needed. And so here I am. Dancing with Durga, with Kali, with Oshun and Yemaya, with Heartha and Athena. Each and All. Durga in the protection of my fierce heart, as life has me doubting and questioning everything. Protection. Kali in the courageousness to be torn wide open, to burn it down, so that life can sprout anew. Courage. Oshun, in the vastness of the deep blue Dream and an ability to dive to the bottom to see it all. DreamTIME. Manifesting. Yemaya, in the allowance of grand cycles of birth, nourishment, death cycle of the world for blessed renewal. Renewal. Heartha, as she holds the hearth fires and supports family and those who stoke them with abundance. Abundance. Community. Athena for the mental abilities to embrace the “yes, and” of spirit. Not to polarize… instead, to encompass and embrace all those shadows AND the light. Mental strength. I know, in my heart of hearts, that everything is possible. Every. Single. Dream. And I also know, by trial and error, that it is not possible to have/do/be- everything at once. That there are seasons, and there are times to sow and times to reap. Times to lay fallow and times to dance in the abundance of verdant fertility. Not just for crops, but for the human psyche as well. This is such a transitional time! These are the ways I want to feel as I step through the changes I am in... Valued. Heard. Accepting. And I'll bet I'm not alone. I've sat with you. With the hard stuff. The deep stuff. The revealing...almost too good to be true stuff. I see you. Sending you big hugs as you face your night. your day. As you say yes to your vision, before you immerse in what already is. I believe in you. From the trenches, I believe in you... whatever it is, I know you can do this!
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